Initially, a Primary School was started for the education of the boys. Gradually more and more schools and other educational institutions were established. The following table shows the synopsis of results of the Madhyamik Examination – 2022.....


    Initially, a Primary School was started for the education of the boys. Gradually more and more schools and other educational institutions were established. The following table shows the synopsis of results of the Higher Secondary Examination – 2022.


    Along with formal education much emphasis is laid on co-curricular activities. There are opportunities for both indoor and out-door games. The Home maintains five big playgrounds within its campus. Foot-Ball, Volley-Ball, Cricket, Badminton are played by the boys. Every educational unit in the Home holds its Annual Sports. There are arrangements for indoor games like Table-Tennis, Carrom etc.


    A small Bakery was also started in the premises of the Ashrama from January, 1978. The purpose is to effect economy in the cost of food. The daily production mainly consists of loaves and biscuits. Cakes are made occasionally.


     In view of the general malnutrition among the orphan and destitute boys, the Home started a small dairy specially with a view to providing milk to the very young or undernourished among them

    Students of the Boys’ Home have earned a name for their talents in dramatic performances. Special coaching is given to the boys who show a distinct flair for histrionics. There are regular music classes under qualified teachers and all boys are expected to participate in them. Arrangements are also available for coaching in instrumental music. Educational excursions are regularly organised.


Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission

P.O. Belur Math, Howrah-711202 West Bengal, India

(+91) 33 2654-1144/1180
Website: www.belurmath.org

Contact Us:

Ramakrishna Mission Boys Home

P.O. :Rahara Kolkata - 700 118 West Bengal, India

+91( 33) 2568 - 2850/3219 Secy - 2523-6116 & 7666[d], Mobile - 9903885166
Email: rahara@rkmm.org